The Digitally Assisted Shopper
Recently Facebook announced that it would give free beacons to US retailers that sign up to participate in its Place Tips program. Place...

Self-tune your business; don’t create a dusty strategic masterpiece
Alibaba was recently named the most valuable brand in the world by BrandZ’s global annual ranking, but how did it get there? And how did...

Digital’s new relationship with brick-and-mortar
There has been a noticeable change in the way we buy. While in the past we may have flipped through the pages of a magazine or browsed...

American consumers now have sweeter deals through a first-ever cross-brand loyalty programme
It’s not very often UK consumers can snub their noses at their consumer cousins across the pond and say, “You mean you don’t already have...

Marketing tactic or altruistic endeavour? Why do brands take on special causes?
Brands taking hold of an initiative like self-esteem, body shape or empowering the inner athlete in women seem like noble ideas. It’s a...

Humour is a Hidden Super Power for Marketers
Last week I made two fun discoveries and both made me chuckle. Weeks and weeks go by with standard marketing approaches and then within...

Do you really like that perfume or were you paid to say you like it?
Influencer marketing has stealthily crept up upon us and I am beginning to notice it in a lot of corners of the internet, particularly on...

Consumers Not So ‘Appy
Consumers are notoriously fickle and, in today’s world, armed with a mobile phone and more data, they are empowered and emboldened to...

LoopPay and Samsung Helping to Close the Loop in Omnichannel Shopping
The tectonic plates of ecommerce are moving again, this time with Samsung’s acquisition of LoopPay, a mobile wallet technology. The tech...

Is there a blue ocean of opportunity for simple in-bound marketing platforms catering to SMBs?
I recently met with a boutique marcom agency that serves small and medium businesses and this meeting further reinforced an idea that has...